Archive for the ‘Updates on Frank’ Category

Letter From Frank

Posted: April 3, 2009 in Updates on Frank
Got a letter yesterday from Frank. He’s in pretty good spirits but commented how life is going by so fast, and can’t help wondering if he’ll ever be free. Still, he remains hopeful.
He also made mention of the fact that September 15th of this year will mark 20 years to the day that he has been in prison on this wrongful conviction.
Hmmph…September 15 is Shorty Harden’s birthday.

Letter From Frank

Posted: February 9, 2009 in Updates on Frank
Got a letter from Frank this weekend. He sounds optimistic over recent developments taking place. Wish I could tell him more, but don’t want him to get his hopes up over something that may not happen.
Heard from Frank recently and he’s very excited about all the new art supplies he’s now able to purchase from the prison commissary. He’s placed an order for water color paints, acrylics, colored pencils, assorted paper types, ruler, sharpener, etc.
He’s got about six pieces of art he’s been working on the past couple of weeks with a portrait of Geronimo from 1905 as his favorite. He’s never felt portraits were his forte, although he’s eager to begin another.
Frank’s finished about fifty-five pieces of art over the past year, and I’d say that’s a good start for the website he wants to create offering t-shirts and other items with his art work on them. The projected grand opening for the site is in November according to a letter from Frank. He didn’t say if Liz Francke would be at the helm of this endeavor as Liz had suggested to me in a recent phone call. I actually got the impression someone else was creating the site. No matter, I’m just gonna wait and see if someone actually gets it handled.
Frank has been experiencing some rough days the past couple of months, although his art and the letters being sent by those taking the time to write have helped considerably. Plus he’s once again dealing with an irritating pinched nerve in his lower back.
On a better note he’s enjoying watching the Olympics and listening to some new CD’s he’s bought lately. AC-DC-"High Voltage," Best of Motorhead, and Cheap Trick to name a few. I wish so much I could burn CD’s for him and mail them. Betcha Francine does too, as she’s the primary reason Frank is able to purchase these CD’s and his art supplies. Frank is very appreciative of his sister’s generosity, and others who have put money on his books. Cheers to all of you!
REMINDER: Frank’s 49th birthday is quickly approaching. Two weeks from today, on the 28th. I urge anyone reading this to take a few minutes to send Frank a birthday card. I’m sure it would be emotionally uplifting for him to receive numerous birthday greetings.
Frank Gable #94488
Ely State Prison
PO Box 1989
Ely, NV 89301